Joanna Yen-Tzu Chang

 1.National Taipei University, Master of Laws.
 2.New York University, Master of Laws (Corporation Laws). 

 1.Attorney at Law, Chen Shyuu & Pun Law Office.(Aug.2003-Sept.2004)
 2.Attorney at Law, PuHua & Associates.(Oct.2004-Jun.2006)
Practicing Lawyer at Justus Law Offices Since October 2007.

Skilled fields:

    1.Foreign Affairs, Laws regarding M&A, Securities Investment

    2.Investment Banking, Securitization, Trust

    3.Review, Revise & Draft various Business Contracts, Provide Legal Opinions

    4.Provide Research Projects regarding Financial Law. 


Duncan Chih-Cheng Zheng

Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of Law, Bachelor of Laws.   

 1.Passed the Lawyer Examination in 2006.
 2.Passed the Examination of investigator of the Bureau of  Investigation of Ministry of Justice in 2006. 
Practicing Lawyer at Justus Law Offices since March 2007. 

Skilled fields
1.Civil & Criminal  Litigations

 2.Administrative remedy proceedings






※ Wei-Xiang Shen

1.National Cheng-Chi University, Department of Law, Bachelor of Laws

 1.Passed the Lawyer Examinations  in 2009.
.Practicing Lawyer at Justus Law Offices Since June 2012.

Skilled fields
Civil & Criminal Litigations

 2.Family Dispute Cases




   Edward Yi-Ping Tsai

Department of Financial & Economic Law, Chung Yuan Christian University.

 1.Passed the Lawyer Examination in 2016
 2.Practicing Lawyer at Justus Law Offices Since December 2016.

Skilled fields
Civil & Criminal Litigations

 2.Administrative Litigation




 Audrey Yi-Ru Huang

National Chung Hsing University, Master of Laws.       

 1.Passed the lawyer Examination in 2015.
Legal Team Leader at Ysolar Co., Ltd. / Likees Tech-Service Co., Ltd.
Attorney at Law, Shang Zhi Law Firm.
.Practicing Lawyer at Justus Law Offices Since 2022.

Skilled fields
1.Civil & Criminal & Administrative Litigation.
Settling the disputes relating to construction cases, contracts and matters relating to real property.
Matters relating to Cultural Law.
.Corporate Law, review and draft contracts, Legal advisory.


※  Francis Kuan-Heng Lin

 1. National Taiwan University, Bachelor of Laws (Minor in Political Theory)

 1.Honorary Counsel of Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan (2024-2025)
 2.Admitted to Practice in Taiwan (2021, passed bar exam in 2019)
 3.Convenor (aka Speaker), Taichung City Youth Council (2017-2018)
   4.Secretary General, National Taiwan University Graduate Association (2018-2019)
   5.Congressional Intern (2015)

Skilled fields
 1.Litigations Focus on Dispute Resolution for Commercial Cases
   2.Criminal Defense; Criminal Complaint regarding White-Collar Crime (Corporate Embezzlement, Commercial Fraud, Market Abuse etc.)

 3.General Corporate Matters & Business Transactions (Distributorship, OEM, ODM, Joint Development etc.)
 4.Strategic Alliance Matters
 5.Corporate Governance (Shareholder Meeting Procedure, Board Meeting Affairs, By-Laws etc.)
 6.Takeover Contest Matters
 7.Regular Consultant for Start-up Companies (Semi-GC Model)
 8.Machinery Industry and Supply Chain Matters
 9.Construction & Government Procurement Matters
 10.Establishment of Transaction Framework and Contract Clause for New Business Model

Publications(by December 2023)
 1. Alliance under Competition: Classic Issues & Solutions in Strategic Alliances Transactions, Angle Lawyer Empowerment Magazine, September 2022
 2.Reorganize the Rule of Essential Part of Company's Business or Assets-Focusing on Taisun Enterprise Takeover Contest, Angle Accounting Magazine, February 2023
 3.Original Sin of Major Shareholder: An Analysis of Draft Amendment to Financial Holding Company Act & the Banking Act, Angle Accounting Magazine, August 2023
 4.The Achilles' Heel of the Capital Market: An Examination of Legal Risks Faced by Acquiring Companies in Hostile Takeovers, Angle Accounting Magazine, December 2023
 5.Between Fairness and Public Interest: An Analysis of the Exception Clause “Against Public Interest” in the Government Procurement Act Article 50 Section 2, Taichung Bar Association Journal, December 2023.

※  Jasmine Hui-Chung Hung


 1.National Chiao-Tung University, Master of Laws
National Cheng-Chi University, Bachelor of Laws 

 1.Licensed Lawyer by Taiwan Bar Association
 2.YangMing Partners, Associate 

Skilled fields
 1.Regulatory compliance regarding corporate management
 2.Commercial Arbitration Law, International Investment Law, and Foreign Affairs.
 3.Review, revise and draft various business contracts. Provide legal opinions regarding labor law and civil law……etc
 4.Provide Research Projects regarding Financial Law

 1.Hui-Chung Hung, An Analysis on the Application of Bilateral Investment Treaty and ICSID to SWF, Investment under the Framework of International Law (2017)
 2.Hui-Chung Hung, Reconsideration of Sovereign Wealth Funds' Governance under the Framework of International Investment Law, 28 TRADE POL’Y F. 257, 257-302 (2017)


※  Paul Kuan-Yi Lin

 National Taipei University, Department  of financial Laws

 1.Passed the lawyer Examination in 2017
 2.Practicing Lawyer at Justus Law Offices Since 2021

Skilled fields
 1.Civil and Criminal litigations
 2.Labor Disputes, Family Dispute Cases 


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